Advt. No. 01-2015/Rectt./BAU,Sabour
Deputy Director Research:- (Posts 1UR)
Pay Scale- Rs. 15600-39100 + AGP 8,000
Qualification : Doctorate in any branch of Agriculture, Veterinary or Animal Husbandry/Dairy Technology/Fisheries/Basic Sciences & Humanities/Home Science/Agricultural Engineering and allied branches.
(ii) Minimum 10 years experience in teaching/research/extension in the rank of Asstt. Professor-cum-Jr. Scientist or equivalent in not below the scale of PB-3, 15600-39100 with AGP 6000/5400.
(iii) Evidence of leadership, outstanding achievement in teaching/research/extension and organizing research programme.
Deputy Director Training:- (Posts 1UR)
Pay Scale- Rs. 15600-39100 + AGP 8,000
Qualification : (i) Doctorate in any branch of Agriculture, Veterinary or Animal Husbandry/Dairy Technology/Fisheries/Basic Sciences & Humanities/Home Science/Agricultural Engineering and allied branches.
(ii) Minimum 10 years experience in teaching/research/extension in the rank of Asstt. Professor-cum-Jr. Scientist or equivalent in not below the scale of PB-3, 15600-39100 with AGP 6000/5400.
(iii) Evidence of leadership, outstanding achievement in teaching/research/extension and organizing extension/training programme.
Deputy Comptroller:- (Posts 1UR)
Pay Scale- Rs. 15600-39100 + GP 6600
Qualification: (i) Bachelor degree from a recognized University.
(ii) Minimum five years of Experience as Assistant Comptroller or equivalent in Teaching/Research Institution of repute or equivalent experienceof Administration/Accounts/Audit/ Establishment work in not below the scale of PB-2, GP 4800 in Government/Semi Government organisation or in Public Sector Undertakings.
Desirable: Experience as a Chartered Accountant or Cost Accounts or should have passed Subordinate Accounts/Audit Service Examination of Any State/Central Government or an equivalent/higher examination.
Assistant Director Recruitment:- (Posts 1UR)
Pay Scale- Rs. 9300-34800 + GP 4800
Qualification : (i) Bachelor degree from a recognized University.
(ii) Minimum five years of experience of which two years as Section Officer/Asstt. Administrative Officer or an equivalent post in Government/Semi Government organisation or in Public Sector Undertakings. Knowledge of computer application is essential.
Assistant Director Administration:- (Posts -01 UR, 01 EBC)
Pay Scale- Rs. 9300-34800 + GP 4800
Qualification: (i) Bachelor degree from a recognized University.
(ii) Minimum five years of experience of which two years as Section Officer/Asstt. Administrative Officer or an equivalent post in Govt. /Semi Govt. /Public Sector Undertakings. Knowledge of computer application is essential.
Assistant Registrar:- (Posts -01 UR, 01 EBC)
Pay Scale- Rs. 9300-34800 + GP 4800
Qualification: (i) Master’s Degree with at least 55% of the marks or its equivalent grade of B in the UGC seven point scale.
(ii) Minimum five years of experience of which two years as Section Officer/Asstt. Administrative Officer or an equivalent post in Govt. /Semi Govt. /Public Sector Undertakings. Knowledge of computer application is essential.
Audit Officer:- (Posts 1UR)
Pay Scale- Rs. 9300-34800 + GP 4800
Qualification: (i) Bachelor’s degree in Commerce/Arts/Science from a recognized University.
(ii) Minimum five years of experience as Senior Auditor/Chartered Accountant in Govt. /Semi Govt./Public Sector Undertakings. Knowledge of computer is essential.
Applications are invited for the following posts in
the prescribed form alongwith non-refundable, A/C Payee Demand Draft Payable at
State Bank of India, Sabour Branch (Code no. 11805) for Rs. 450.00 (Rupees Four
Hundred Fifty) only for General/BC/EBC/RCF candidates and Rs. 150.00 (Rupees
One Hundred Fifty) only for SC/ST candidates of Bihar drawn in favour of the Comptroller,
Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour (Bhagalpur). Candidates applying for
more than one post have to submit separate applications with separate fees. The
application alongwith all relevant documents should reach theOfficer-In-Charge
(Recruitment), Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour-813210 (Bhagalpur) on or
before16th February2015 upto 05:00 P.M. only through registered
post/speed post/courier post.
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