Virbhadra Marg, Rishikesh-249201, Uttarakhand.
(An autonomous organization under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India)
Advertisement No.21/06/2014-(RIS)/ADMIN/3635
Applications are invited in the prescribed proforma from suitable candidate for filling up following Group ‘A’
& ‘B’ posts on DEPUTATION BASIS in All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Virbhadra Marg, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand-
249203. The essential qualification, experiences etc. required for applying for these posts are as under:
Accounts Officer Group ‘A’ : ( Posts 04).
Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100+GP 5400
Essential Eligibility Criteria :- (i) Officer under the Central Government or Central Statutory / Autonomous bodies holding analogous posts on regular basis and handling Account and Finance Matters or holding posts of Accounts/Audit Officer or equivalent in the pay scale of Rs.2375-3500 / Rs.2200-4000 (prerevised scale).
(ii) Assistant Accounts Officers in the pay scale of Rs.2000-3200 with 7 years of regular service in the grade (including the service in the grade of Junior Accounts Officer/SAS accountants/Accountant in the scale of Rs.1640-2900)
Security Officer Group ‘A’ : ( Posts 01).
Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100+GP 5400
Essential Qualification : Officers of the Police Departments of the Central/State/Union Territory Governments or Officers of the Para Military Forces holding analogous posts or with 5 years of regular service in a post in the pay scale of Rs.1640-2900 or equivalent (pre-revised scale) and preferably having experience connected with security,handling agitations/strikes of employees.
Sr. Sanitation OfficerGroup ‘B’ : ( Posts 01).
Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800 + Grade pay Rs.4600/-
Essential Qualification : Officers of the Central/State/ U.T. Governments or Officers of Central Autonomous/ Statutory / Local Bodies or Public Undertakings:
(A) i). Holding analogous posts on regular basis; or
ii).A post in the pay scale of Rs.9300-34800 + grade pay Rs.4200 with 3 years' of regular service in that grade; and
(B) Possessing the following qualifications and experience:
i) Certificate in Sanitary Inspector's Course;
ii) Experience in Sanitation of an Institution or Hospital of repute for not less than 12 years of which at least 5 years shall be in a supervisory capacity.
Sanitation Officer Group ‘B’ : ( Posts 01).
Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
Essential Qualification : Officers of the Central/ State/ U.T. Governments or Central Autonomous/ Statutory/ Local Self Government Bodies or Public Sector undertakings:
(a) (i) Holding analogous posts on regular basis;
(ii)Holding a post in the pay scale of Rs.5200-20200 + grade pay Rs.2800 with 5 years of regular service in the grade; and
(b) Possessing the following qualification and experience
(i) Certificate of Sanitary Inspector Course:
(ii) 10 years of experience in sanitation,preferably in a hospital of repute.
The Officers who fulfil the above qualifications/eligibility may submit their application in the prescribed proforma at Annexure-I through proper channel to the Recruitment Cell, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Virbhadra Marg, Rishikesh-249201,Uttarakhand so as to reach by two month (27-02-2015) from the date of advertisement in Employment New till 5:00 PM.
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