Rotary Wing Research and Design Centre Division,
Helicopter Complex, Bangalore
Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL), a Navratna Central Public Sector
Undertaking & a premier Aeronautical Industry of South East Asia, with 21
Production/Overhaul/Service Divisions and 10 co-located R&D Centres spread
across the Country, is looking for engagement of Aircraft Technicians
(Ex-Servicemen) on fixed tenure contract basis upto 30.06.2015
, in the
following trades for posting at RWR&DC, Helicopter Complex, HAL, Bangalore.
Aircraft Technician (Airframe) on Contract basis – XSM : (Posts 03).
Aircraft Technician (Power Plant) on Contract basis - XSM : (Posts 03).
Aircraft Technician (Structure) on Contract basis – XSM : (Posts 06).
Aircraft Technician (Transmission) on Contract basis - XSM : (Posts 03).
Aircraft Technician (Electrical) on Contract basis – XSM : (Posts 05).
Emoluments : Consolidated lump sum emoluments of Rs.21650/- p.m.
Eligible and interested Ex-servicemen are requested to forward their
applications in the prescribed format enclosed, so as to reach us on or before
The Deputy General Manager (HR)
to the following address.
Rotary Wing Research and Design Centre
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
Helicopter Complex
Post Box. No. 1783
Bangalore - 560 017
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