Oil and Natural Gas
Corporation Limited. (ONGC),
a "Maharatna" Public Sector Enterprise
a "Maharatna" Public Sector Enterprise
Advt. No. 5 /2014 (R&P)
Recruitment of Graduate Trainees in Engineering and Geo-Sciences disciplines will be done through GATE-2015 as detailed in this advertisement.
Total No.Of Posts : 745
Assistant Executive Engineer ( Cementing) : (Posts 31).
Assistant Executive Engineer ( Civil) : (Posts 10).
Assistant Executive Engineer ( Drilling) : (Posts 110).
Assistant Executive Engineer ( Electrical) : (Posts 47).
Assistant Executive Engineer ( Electronics) : (Posts 18).
Assistant Executive Engineer ( Instrumentation) : (Posts 23).
Assistant Executive Engineer ( Mechanical ) : (Posts 72).
Assistant Executive Engineer ( Production) : (Posts 217).
Assistant Executive Engineer ( Reservoir) : (Posts 14).
Chemist : (Posts 74).
Geologist : (Posts 41).
Geophysicist ( Surface) : (Posts 28).
Geophysicist ( Wells ) : (Posts 22).
Materials Management Officer : (Posts 22).
Programming Officer : (Posts 04).
Transport Officer : (Posts 12).
ONGC is looking for promising, energetic and young Indian Citizens with bright academic record to join the organization as Class-I executives (at E-1 level) in the Engineering and Geo-Science disciplines.The pay scale is in the grade of Rs. 24,900 - 50,5001- with an increment of 3% per year. Besides Basic Pay, the employee is entitled to allowance @ 47% of Basic Pay under Cafeteria Approach, Dearness Allowance, HRAICompany Accommodation, Mining Allowance, Contributory Provident Fund, Conveyance Maintenance, Substantial Performance Related Pay (PRP), Medical Facility for self and dependents, Gratuity, Post Retirement Benefit Scheme and Composite Social Security Scheme as per Company rules
The selection process will comprise of thefollowing:
a)GATE - 2015: The desirous and eligible candidates having the essential qualificationfor the advertised posts are required to apply and appear in the Graduate Aptilude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2015.
b)The candidates possessing the requisite essential qualification tor the advertised posts are required to apply and appear in the GATE-2015 subjects strictly as mentioned against each post at S. NO.2.1. Essential Qualification & GATE Subject with Code under Eligibility Criteria.
c)GATE Online Application Processing system website for online registration for GATE-2015 Exam shall remain open from 01.09.2014 to 01.10.2014. The candidates are required to apply online during the period.
a)Candidates will have to separately apply online to ONGCfor which a Link will be activated on www. ongcindia.com,tentatively afterJanuary, 2015.
b)In ONGC's on-line application, candidates will have to give their GATE-2115 Registration Number.
c)ONGC will not be responsible ii candidates wrongly fill up GATE-2015 Registration Number in ONGC online application. As such, candidales should take care to correctly till in the GATE-2015 Registralion Number.
d)Candidates can apply for only one post even though they may be eligible tor more Ihan one Post.
a)Fordetailed information on GATE- 2015 and on-line submission of application for GATE-2015, interested candidates may visit gate.iitk.ac.id/GATE2015
Websites of IISc, Bangalore or IlTs of Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras and Roorkee.
a)On downloading the GATE-2015 admit card and receipt of GATE-2015 Registration number, the candidates may apply to ONGC ONLINE. The relevant link will be made available tenlatively after January 2015 on the ONGC's website www.ongcindia.com.
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