(A Government of India Enterprise)
Bailadila Iron Ore Mine, Kirandul Complex
Employment Notification No. 01/2014
NMDC is now looking for suitable persons for following post to be deployed in its Bailadila Iron Mine, Kirandul Complex, South Bastar Dantewada (C.G.)
FIELD ATTENDANT (TRAINEE) : 40 (SC: 05 ST: 13 OBC: 02 UR: 20).
QUALIFICATION & EXPERIENCE : The candidate should have minimum middle pass (8th pass) qualification with at least 5 years relevant experience in various activities of open cast iron ore mining. Training duration under Kaushal Vikas Scheme/ National Skill Development Scheme in open cast iron ore mining will also be considered as experience.
AGE : Upper age limit as on 31/08/2014 for UR candidates 30
SELECTION PROCESS : The Selection will be through written test, physical eligibility test and interview.
STIPEND DURING TRAINING/ PAY SCALE : For the selected candidates duration of training will be for 18 months. Stipend of Rs.11000/- per month is payable during the period of first 12 months training and Rs.11500/- during the remaining 6 months training
Applications should be accompanied by a crossed Demand Draft for Rs.50/- (Rupees Fifty only) drawn in favour of I)GM(Finance), BIOM, Kirandul Complex, Kirandul payable at State Bank of India,Kirandul. Demand Draft is not necessary for SC/ST/Ex-servicemen.
Interested candidates may send their neatly typed applications on plain paper setting out (1) Post applied for (2) Applicant's Name (3) Father's/Husband's name (4) Sex (5) Date of birth & Age (in figures and words) (6) Present Address (7) Permanent Address (8) Email id/Mobile No. (9) Caste (if SC/ST/OBC, attach certificate from Competent Authority) (10) Qualifications (Academic & Technical) with year of passing, name of School/College/University, division & percentage of marks obtained, etc. (11) Experience (12) State and district to which originally belong (13) Other information (14) Declaration with signature etc., along with self attested copies of all certificates and testimonials and recent passport size photograph so as to reach the DY.MANAGER (PERSONNEL)R&P, NMDC Limited, BAILADILA IRON ORE MINE, KIRANDUL COMPLEX, POST. KIRANDUL, DIST. SOUTH BASTAR DANTEWADA, (CHATTISGARH), PIN-494556 within 21 days from the date of publication in Employment News.
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