(An Autonomous Organization under Department of Information Technology, Govt. of Jharkhand)
2nd Floor, Engineers Hostel-I, Dhurwa, Ranchi – 834004
Advertisement No: - JSAC/2011/57/JCIS/01.
Jharkhand Space Application Center (JSAC), Ranchi has to recruit bright, hardworking, reliable and competent professional on purely contract basis for the project executed in JSAC. The posts are on contract basis for a minimum period of one year.
Junior Research Fellow : (Posts 06).
Total Monthly emoluments (Rs.) : 16000/-(HRA)
Minimum Essential Educational Qualification:-
M.Sc /M.Tech in Agriculture(Agro-Meteorology/Agronomy/Soil Science/Crop Physiology) with one year experience in the field of Remote sensing & GIS with proficiency in Image processing software and GIS software.
Desirable: Working experience in crop acreage, crop yield estimation using Geospatial Technology..
Age upto 28 years as on 25/09/2014, Age relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST candidate, 3 years for OBC Candidates.
The aspiring applicants satisfying the eligibility criteria in all respect can register their application only through ON-LINE mode. The On-line registration of applications will be available onhttp://recruitment.jharkhand.gov.in/ from 10:00AM 28/08/2014 to 5:00 P.M 25/09/2014.
The applicants applying in response to this advertisement should satisfy themselves regarding their eligibility for the aforesaid post and must fulfill all the eligibility criteria on or before 31.07.2014, failing which their application will be rejected.
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